

Misoprostol: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

Posted by 17 days ago (https://theomnibuzz.com/misoprostol-uses-dosage-side-effects-and-interactions/)

Description: Misoprostol is used to prevent NSAID-induced ulcers and to end pregnancies. It causes uterine contractions, leading to heavy bleeding. Misoprostol is often combined with Mifepristone for abortions. Common side effects include nausea, headache, fatigue, vomiting, and abdominal pain.


Tag: Misoprostol, abortion pills, abortion pill, medical abortion, medication abortion, abortion medication

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

Posted by 10 days ago (https://www.247healthblog.com/how-does-the-abortion-pill-work/)

Description: Abortion pills offer a safe, private method for terminating early pregnancies up to 10 weeks. After consulting a doctor, mifepristone and misoprostol are used, causing bleeding, cramping, and eventual expulsion of pregnancy.


Tag: abortion pill, abortion pills, buy abortion pill online

Difference Between Morning-after Pill and the Abortion Pill

Posted by 11 days ago (https://medium.com/@brownemily2420/difference-between-morning-after-pill-and-the-abortion-pill-bb02b0b84eb9)

Description: The morning-after pill (Plan B) is an emergency contraceptive preventing pregnancy, while the abortion pill (Plan C) ends an existing pregnancy. They differ significantly in purpose and timing.


Tag: emergency contraceptive pill, abortion pills, medical abortion